Bioluminescent pancreatic cancer mouse models from genetically characterized primary cells

Bioluminescent pancreatic cancer mouse models from genetically characterized primary cells

A platform for drug discovery and toward personalized treatment in pancreatic cancer

AIRC Start-Up Unit Pisa: Dr. Niccola Funel, Dr. Elisa Giovannetti
Surgery-unit: Dr. N De Lio, Dr. V Perrone, Prof. U Boggi
Oncology-unit: Dr. S Caponi, Dr. E Vasile
Pathology-Unit: Dr. LE Pollina, Prof. D Campani
VUmc Amsterdam collaborators: Dr. T Würdinger, Prof. GJ Peters

Our AIRC-Start-Up research project (poster)

Pdf: Research project poster

In vivo models as a platform for the discovery of new therapies in exocrine pancreatic neoplasms

In vivo models as a platform for the discovery of new therapies in exocrine pancreatic neoplasms

Elisa Giovannetti

Invited lecture on “New PDAC Models” at National Congress of the Italian Association for the study of the Pancreas (AISP) 2014

VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
AIRC‐Start‐Up, Pisa, Italy

XXXVIII National Congress of the Italian Association for the Study on Pancreas (AISP)
Bologna, 18th September 2014

Pdf: AISP2014

Role of CYB5A in pancreatic cancer: correlation with clinical outcome and functional characterization in the modulation of autophagy and oncogenic phenotypes

Role of CYB5A in pancreatic cancer: correlation with clinical outcome and functional characterization in the modulation of autophagy and oncogenic phenotypes

Elisa Giovannetti, MD, PhD

Presentation on “Role of CYB5A in PDAC” at the American Pancreas Club Meeting 2014

Start-Up Unit, University of Pisa, Italy
VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

48th Annual Meeting of the Pancreas Club
Chicago, 2/3 May 2014

Pdf: AmericanPancreasClub2014

Comprehensive arrays identify key microRNAs to distinguish short and long survivors among resected pancreatic cencer patients

Comprehensive arrays identify key microRNAs to distinguish short and long survivors among resected pancreatic cencer patients

Elisa Giovannetti

Presentation on “miRNA arrays” at European Society of Medical Oncology meeting (ESMO-ECCO) 2012

VU University Medical Center
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

European Cancer Congress 2013
Amsterdam, 27 Sept / 1 Oct 2013

Pdf: ESMO-ECCO2013

Farmacogenomica nelle neoplasie polmonari

Farmacogenomica nelle neoplasie polmonari

Elisa Giovannetti

Invited seminar on “Pharmacogenetics of Thoracic Cancers”, Parma 2013

Department Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Thoracic Oncology: Where are we going?
Parma, 20 September 2013

Pdf: Seminar-Parma2013

Pharmacogenetics to improve new therapeutic approaches in pancreatic cancer

Pharmacogenetics to improve new therapeutic approaches in pancreatic cancer

Elisa Giovannetti, MD, PhD

Invited Youppie Lecture at the European Pancreatic Club (EPC) Meeting 2011

VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

43st Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club (EPC) 2011
Magdeburg, 21-25 June 2011

Pdf: EPC2011-YouppieLecture

MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: correlation with clinical outcome and pharmacological aspects underlying its role in the modulation of gemcitabine activity

MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: correlation with clinical outcome and pharmacological aspects underlying its role in the modulation of gemcitabine activity

Elisa Giovannetti, Niccola Funel, Ayse Erozenci, Marco Del Chiaro, Leticia G. Leon, Enrico Vasile, Luca E. Pollina, Annemieke Groen, Alfredo Falcone, Daniela Campani, Ugo Boggi, Henk M. Verheul, Romano Danesi, Godefridus J. Peters

Presentation on “miR21 in PDAC” at American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Meeting 2010

VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

AACR 10st Annual Meeting
Washington, 17-21 April 2010

Pdf: AACR2010

Polymorphisms in AKT1 and EGFR as possible new biomarkers of clinical outcome and toxicity in non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with gefitinib

Polymorphisms in AKT1 and EGFR as possible new biomarkers of clinical outcome and toxicity in non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with gefitinib

Giovannetti E, Zucali PA, Tibaldi C, Leon GL, Cortesi F, D’Incecco A, Falcone A, Santoro A, Smit EF, Burgers S, Danesi R, Giaccone G, Peters GJ

Presentation on “SNPs in Akt” at EORTC-NCI-ASCO (ENASCO) 2009

Brussels, 16th October 2009

Pdf: ENASCO2009

Determinants of erlotinib and pemetrexed synergism in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines

Determinants of erlotinib and pemetrexed synergism in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines

Giovannetti E, Smid K, Tekle C, Mey V, Rodriguez JA, Nannizzi S, Del Tacca M, Danesi R, Giaccone G, Peters GJ

Presentation on “erlotinib-pemetrexed synergisms” at the Targeted Anticancer Agents (TAT) Meeting 2007

VUMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Pisa, Italy

International Symposium on Targeted Anticancer Therapies (TAT 2007)
Amsterdam, 7/10 March 2007

Pdf: TAT2007

Farmacogenetica di gemcitabina e pemetrexed nei tumori pancreatici

Farmacogenetica di gemcitabina e pemetrexed nei tumori pancreatici

Giovannetti E, Mey V, Danesi R, Funel N, Nannizzi S, Boggi U, Campani D, Pasqualetti G, Orlandini C, Iannopollo M, Del Chiaro M, Ricci S, Bevilacqua G, Mosca F, Del Tacca M

Presentation on “Farmacogenetica di gemcitabina e pemetrexed” at Societa’ Italiana di farmacologia (SIF) 2005

Divisione di Farmacologia e Chemioterapia, Divisione di Chirurgia, Divisione di Anatomia Patologica, Divisione di Oncologia, Dipartimento di Oncologia, dei Trapianti e delle Nuove Tecnologie in Medicina, Università di Pisa

XXXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia
Napoli, 2 Giugno 2005

Pdf: SIF2005

Determinants of Gemcitabine-Pemetrexed Synergism in Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines

Determinants of Gemcitabine-Pemetrexed Synergism in Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines

E. Giovannetti, V. Mey, R. Danesi, I. Mosca, M. Del Tacca

Presentation on “Gemcitabine-pemetrexed synergism” at the International Pancreas Cancer Symposium 2004

Division of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy, Department of Oncology, Transplants and Advanced Technologies in Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy

Pancreas Cancer 2004 International Symposium
Tirrenia, Pisa, 24-26 April 2004

Pdf: PancreasCancer2004